I pay for RE/MAX's TRANQUILLI-T after sale program for all my buyers and sellers.
I write the purchase offers of the buyers and/or I present the purchase offers coming from other brokers.
I guide you through the counter-offers and through all the documents that are important and mandatory to complete.
I explain all the details of the necessary steps to make a non stressful and smooth transaction.
I advise you with smart strategies that will help you get the best price and the best conditions that are right for you.
I negotiate FOR YOU! (not for me!) Because selling your property $1000 more represents only $50 more for me but represents $950 MORE FOR YOU! Because selling your property $5000 more represents only $100 more for me but represents $4900 MORE FOR YOU! Because selling your property $10,000 more represents only $500 more for me but represents $9500 MORE FOR YOU! And because all these numbers that I can negotiate FOR YOU are really important FOR YOU!
I organize, book and supervise all the necessary steps after an accepted purchase offer: building inspection, septic system inspection, water test, radon test, air test, mold test, ordering the new location certificate, requests to the municipality, modifications, work to be done after the inspection, negotiations to be done after the inspections and tests, estimates, expert advice, mortgage, evaluation from the bank, etc!
I provide you with the EZSIGN electronic signature so you can sign legally all the documents from anywhere in the world.
I also keep an eye on the other broker’s delays. I have access to a notary who I entirely trust and who will answer my questions in a very short delay. This is a real advantage because you do not have to pay extra fees to get legal advice and you never have to wait forever to get the right answers, I get them FOR YOU!