Marie-Soleil Labelle
At 16, Marie-Soleil driving a Micra!
16-year-old Marie-Soleil Labelle will be behind the wheel of a race car this season in the popular Nissan Micra Cup series. Driver within the Gilles-Villeneuve Museum racing team, she will be the youngest on the track!
Life is amazing ! I have decided to make a difference in the life of Marie-Soleil Labelle, a unique young lady of 16 years old from Aylmer, student at the famous collège St-Joseph de Hull (I am a graduate from 1976 !) who is very special because of her passion for RACING CARS ! After meeting with her family and understanding that they are really devoted to the passion of their daughter’s dream, I accepted to become her main sponsor. I was moved by Marie-Soleil who is so passionate and who is entering a world of boys and races and cars etc ! I remember how I was feeling different as a young girl musician dreaming to be an astronaut in the world at 16. She has fabulous projects and I am there for her! CLAIRE POIRIER REMAX